Fluorescent Black – The Graphic Novel
15 juin 2010

Fluorescent Black – The Graphic Novel
[ENGLISH] Nathan Fox tells us: Welcome to 2085, the year of the rabbit. Fluorescent Black takes the reader into the hard-hitting dark future of South East Asia where gene-tech has divided humankind into two races: the rich, healthy Superiors and the sick, crazy Inferiors. These two races live in neighboring cities separated by a heavily fortified border.
A superior named Nina is the test model for cutting edge genetic designs. She is a paragon of physical and mental health: her brain and body represent billions of dollars worth of corporate research and development. During a bio-terrorist attack, Nina is kidnapped by a street gang and taken across the border into a ghetto full of man-made splice animals, psychopathic hookers, drug addled freaks, deadly insects, poisonous ecosystems, and abandoned tenements.
When the corporations tighten their dragnet, the gang quickly discovers that this is no ordinary captive… but she may be the key to solving all of their problems. MF Wilson – writerNathan Fox – artist (PIGEONS FROM HELL, DMZ, Dark Reign: Zodiac & more)Jeromy Cox – Colorist (NEW MUTANTS, DMZ, AMAZING SPIDERMAN, TEEN TITANS, VAMPYRATES, PROMETHEA & more)
Heavy Metal Magazine will publish and distribute the graphic novel Fluorescent Black in July of 2010. A hardbound limited edition will be sold at San Diego and New York Comic Con. The novel is nearly 200 pages long and was written by MF Wilson, illustrated by Nathan Fox and colored by Jeromy Cox. Fluorescent Black is one of the most popular stories featured in the adult illustrated magazine and has a massive cult following. “We are very excited to be publishing Fluorescent Black. This book is like nothing else out there! It’s crazy, original and totally punk,” says Kevin Eastman, Editor-in-Chief of Heavy Metal Magazine.
The novel takes the reader into the hard-hitting dark future of South East Asia where gene-tech has divided the human race into two races. A particularily unique element of the story is the way in which a utopian and dystopian future exist in near proximity; it seems to draw inspiration from a lot of the border disputes going on in politics today. The story plays with other hot-button themes like public healthcare, gene patenting, eugenics, the dangers of bio-artistry, and the limits of body modification. Known for it provocative ideas and scientific accuracy, Fluorescent Black has been praised by biotechnology web rings and counter-culture magazines as a seminal “bio-punk” novel, a relatively new genre which has been slowly working it’s way into the literary and cinematic marketplace.
MF says, “I wanted to write this story for all the things it is guilty of; it’s hard-core, violent, sexual and frightening. It’s venereal horror, bio-punk and psychadelic science fiction all rolled into one.” It seems to be the perfect material for an illustrator like Nathan Fox who has built a fan base out of his featured work in rock-and-roll magazines and adult comic books, and who is known for his kinetic freehand and raucus style. Every panel is a work of art, with hidden (sometimes blush-worthy) details that only become apparent on a second or third read. “I wanted this book to be wild and colorful; it had to be a living, moving thing.” The collaboration between these artists has produced a one-of-a-kind novel that is well worth the pricetag. It is available through heavymetal.com, amazon.com and will be on comic book shelves everywhere later this year. For more information, visit freethegene.com
Been helping put this Graphic Novel together for 3 years running. It is bad ass and will blow your mind. Everyone loves a great stroy and this is a bio-punk set in Singapore it is the home of Biopolis google it and see what you get. Also go to freethegene.com and check out the back story. Then go to heavymetal.com and do a pre-order if you can’t make it to Comicon SD 2010