Hero Initiative Hulk Cover Auctions Begins Today

[ENGLISH] Hero Initiative says: Did you miss out on The Hero Initiative’s Ultimate Spider-Man #100 covers last year? Was your mouth watering over a one of a kind, unique piece of art by talent such as Sal Buscema, Herb Trimpe, John Cassaday, and John Romita Sr. to name a few? Well, fret no more because Hero has Hulk this year and the covers will begin the rounds on Ebay beginning July 14! Marvel Comics graciously created blank-covered editions of the landmark new Hulk #1 and gave them to The Hero Initiative to have a bountiful bevy of stellar artists do ORIGINAL drawings on the cover. Each of these covers is an original, one-of-a-kind piece! Hero will be auctioning these off at the rate of approximately 10 per week ’til we get thru ’em all!

Visit http://donations.ebay.com/charity/charity.jsp?NP_ID=1505&searchString=heroinitiative#buynp to see what covers are up this week!

Ten of the covers were already auctioned at Wizard World Chicago and can be seen at:


A gallery of all the great covers can be seen at http://qurls.com?i=36261

If you are the winning bidder, at your discretion, CGC, the Certified Guaranty Company, will grade and encapsulate your book under its prestigious Signature Series for FREE. The CGC label will not only state the grade, but it will say who drew and signed the comic, the date that it was signed, that it was signed for the Hero Initiative, and all pertinent key and art comments. This is a $34 to $250 value, and you need pay ONLY $8 for return shipping for EACH book submitted. Your book will be sent DIRECTLY to CGC by The Hero Initiative, and returned to you upon its being graded and encapsulated.

And hey–don’t bother asking, “Can you tell me when the Joe Artist cover will be auctioned?” We don’t know. We’re making it up as we go along. Just check back every week for a new batch, starting July 14!

The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero creates a financial safety net for yesterdays’ creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment. For more information, call 310-909-7809 or visit www.HeroInitiative.org.

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